About us

Welcome to Renaissance Clinic

Renaissance clinic providing specialist cosmetic treatments from head to toe. Friendly professional and experienced used most up to date equipment with current and cutting edge best practices and training. our outstanding and pioneer services means over 85%of our patient re book and 90 % of them says they recommend us to their friends.

About us

vidoe about us

glad to be back

our services

our advantages

our advantages

Why choose us

100% positive feedback

Cosmetic surgery team is dedicated to providing our patients with safe treatment

Advance Laser Technology

Modern and highly effective technology for skin procedures and cosmetic treats

team approach

Top specialist and surgeons only for a guaranteed success and maximum result

our team

our team

Meet the Doctors



Clients say about us

our works

our works

Before & after


Hair TranplantFace area

The width has decreased, the length has decreased, the nose has become taller and tighterBreast area

The width has decreased, the length has decreased, the nose has become taller and tighterButtocks area

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